Using Grammarly To Improve Your Content Writing with WriterGate

Run Spelling And Grammar Checks Directly On WriterGate

Amna Raly


If you’re a Content Writer, you may already be familiar with Grammarly and how it can help improve your writing. However, when you’re writing on a platform like Medium, Hashnode, etc you’ll need to either use a personal Grammarly account to copy/paste your content into, or you’ll have to install a Grammarly plugin on your browser. If you’re someone that does not like installing plugins on your browser or creating unnecessary accounts, it can be quite cumbersome to improve your content quality.

That’s why WriterGate has integrated Grammarly into its editors to make it easy for you to check spelling and grammar while writing. This way, you can be confident that your content is error-free without having to paste the whole content.

Getting Started With Grammarly On WriterGate

To enable Grammarly on your Workspace:

  1. Head on to your workspace settings.
  2. Navigate to the editor options.
  3. Under integrations, enable Grammarly to your workspace.
Enabling Grammarly on your WriterGate workspace

After enabling Grammarly on your workspace, you can now head over to the WriterGate Editor and start writing quality content with pre-integrated grammar control! You can keep writing and WriterGate will communicate with Grammarly, ensuring that your content is of the top quality!

Using Grammarly in the WriterGate Editor

Start creating error-free content with the help of Grammarly on WriterGate, today!

