Spreading the Right Message Across Your Team using WriterGate Docs

How To Effectively Use WriterGate Docs to Share Guidelines, Instructions etc.

Amna Raly


Spreading information across your team can be difficult at times. For example, as a content manager, you may need to share writer guidelines templates, or some common credentials among your team. Traditionally, you would have to utilize a third party tool such as Confluence or even a Google Doc. This is quite cumbersome and time consuming!

Enter, WriterGate Docs

WriterGate Docs helps you share documents in your workspace or across the organization!

It helps users with the desired permissions create and share documents containing crucial information.


  1. Please note that WriterGate Docs is available only for content team plan and Enterprise plan.
  2. Ensure that the user trying to manage the documents have the required permissions. If you are in a workspace or organization, visit the user management section and assign the permission “Manage Documents” to the user trying to manage the documents.

Getting Started With WriterGate Docs

To create your first document, head over to your workspace or organization and navigate to “Docs”.

Afteward, click “New” to start your first document on WriterGate Docs! WriterGate offers the same top of the line WYSWIG and Markdown editor with versioning support. So, you can say goodbye to all those moments where you lost your content in cases where you accidentally closed a tab or removed all content.

Furthermore, WriterGate Docs allows you to express your message in a tone of your choice with its industry standard formatting options!

After you’re done with the document, tap “Create” to create your document to ensure that it is accessible publicly across your team!

Concluding Thoughts

Without using multiple tools, you can use WriterGate Docs to create and share crucial documents across your team!

To start creating and managing documents across your team, get started with the WriterGate Content Team or Enterprise Plan today! (free 30 day trial), or feel free to get in touch with use via support@writergate.com.

