Centrally Manage Content Creation and Share In Social Media All In One Place

Manage your articles, social media posts all in one place

Lakindu Hewawasam


Suppose you’re a professional writer, blogger, or leading a marketing team, you may wish to share your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, etc., and post regularly to engage your users and turn them into customers.

However, managing multiple social media platforms and posting regularly is not a walk in the park. It requires you to spend hours working with different accounts, switching back and forth between tabs, creating posts, and tracking your work.

But what if there was a way to centrally manage your content and distribute them across multiple social media networks instantly?

Enter, WriterGate

WriterGate is the all-in-one platform that can help you share content across multiple channels with just one click! Firstly, WriterGate offers seamless one-click content sharing to platforms such as Medium, Hashnode, and Dev.to. This helped independent writers seamlessly share their articles across popular blogging platforms.

WriterGate allows users to draft and share social media posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter! This means you can now export your articles onto third-party blogs and directly share them across popular social media networks in less than a minute!

Getting Started with Social Sharing

It’s important to note that all Free, Content Team and Enterprise workspaces are equipped with social sharing.

Step 01 — Managing Social Permissions (not applicable on Free Plan)

Workspace owners in the Content Team or Enterprise plan can assign different content managers to manage socials for their workspace. Therefore, navigate to the user management panel in your workspace and set the required “social management” permission to the user you want to let manage the social accounts.

Figure — Assigning the social permissions

Step 02 — Setting up a social integration

Afterward, you can start adding your social accounts. Note that WriterGate allows you to add multiple LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook accounts and pages. This allows you to share content across various accounts and platforms seamlessly.

To do so, visit Workspace settings and head to the Social Tab. Afterward, click “Add New Integration” on the social media network that you wish to add.

Figure — Navigating to Social Settings

If you’re integrating a Facebook or a LinkedIn channel, you can integrate between an account, page, or group. Therefore, you can manage your social media and your organization’s posts all in one place!

Figure — Creating a social integration on WriterGate

And that’s it! You’ve successfully linked WriterGate to a social account in under 30 seconds! Now, you can start sharing your content!

Sharing Social Content To Third-Party Platforms

Step 01 — Visit the content in the content workflow

Use the WriterGate content workflow and visit the content you wish to share on a social media platform. Afterward, open the content drawer and navigate to the newly visible “Social” tab.

Figure — Visiting the Social tab in the content drawer

Afterward, expand the social that you wish to share. Please note that if you do not see the platform, visit the Workspace settings and add a social account for the platform you wish to export to.

Hereafter, you can:

  1. Write your caption
  2. Select the account to post to

Finally, click “Publish” to post your social media post! It’s as simple as that!

Figure — Sharing a social media post on Twitter

And voila! We just shared a social post on Twitter in under a minute! So if you’re managing as few as five or as high as 100 different Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts, WriterGate is the tool for you! With WriterGate, you can seamlessly share your content on blogs and social media platforms, all in one place!

One Last Thing…

Social Traceability

WriterGate offers the unique capability of keeping a history of all the content you’ve shared. So, for example, you may post about some content a month ago, and today you’re sharing it again as a reminder. Well, WriterGate stores all the previous content you’ve shared in its logs so that you have complete traceability!

Figure — Keeping track of content shared

To manage your social media accounts centrally and get access to a one-click share, get started with WriterGate for free today! If you have any inquiries, reach out to us at support@writergate.com.


1. Does WriterGate store my password for the social platforms?

No. We do not store your password. WriterGate uses top-of-the-line authorization frameworks to ensure that it securely connects to your social platforms. Apart from that, all information managed with the social media platform is securely encrypted.

2. Can I share on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for Free with WriterGate?

Yes, you can share an infinite number of social media posts with WriterGate for no added cost.

3. I cannot see the social tab in the content drawer. What should I do?

Contact your workspace owner to obtain the required permission. If the owner has given permission and you still don’t see, try signing out and logging back in again, or contact us via support@writergate.com

3. I cannot see the social tab in the settings section. What should I do?

Contact your workspace owner to obtain the required permission. If the owner has given permission and you still don’t see, try signing out and logging back in again, or contact us via support@writergate.com.

