Build a Portfolio To Showcase Your Writing To The World

Using WriterGate Content Portfolio to Showcase Your Writing

Amna Raly


As a writer, having a strong portfolio of content is essential to showcase your skills and abilities. It is a vital tool for any writer who wants to get ahead in the industry. Additionally, your portfolio can be used as a marketing tool to help land new clients and projects.

However, creating and maintaining a portfolio website can be a struggle, especially if you’re not a web developer or designer. You need to make sure that your portfolio is visually appealing, is up to date while putting in the minimal effort from your end. For example, you may use Google Sites, WordPress or even a simple Google Doc to build and maintain your portfolio. Though this gets the job done, you have to worry about maintaining its look and feel, ensuring that it is accessible which can take away a chunk of your time which could have been utilized to adding more content to your portfolio.

Enter: WriterGate Portfolio

WriterGate supports the capability of building and maintaining your content portfolio with little to no effort whatsoever. Due to WriterGate’s nature of supporting a fully comprehendible content management workflow, WriterGate allows you to directly import your content from WriterGate, thus creating a seamless process for importing your content.

Hence, you can directly push content to your portfolio whenever you publish new content, ensuring that you keep your portfolio fresh, and up to date.

Getting started with WriterGate Content Portfolio

To create your portfolio:

  1. Head over to your WriterGate account
  2. Navigate to your profile icon and click “Public Profile.”
  3. Enter your handle name to make your content portfolio.
Figure — Creating content portfolio

You can avoid Step 3 if you have already set up a handle. The handle will be used by WriterGate to compile your portfolio. For example, if your handle is — “adam”, then your portfolio URL will be — “".

Afterward, you can begin importing your content onto your portfolio.

Its important to note that WriterGate allows you to import upto 50 pieces of content at a given time.

Importing Content To Your WriterGate Portfolio

There are two ways to import content into your portfolio. One via URL and the other via WriterGate itself.

1. Importing Content via URLs

When you import content by URL, we’ll automatically extract your content and add it to your account. This means you don’t need to manually input it, saving you time and hassle. We also ensure that you don’t accidentally duplicate any imported content.

Figure — Importing content via URL

To import from URL,

  1. Click on “Import”
  2. Click “From URL”
  3. Provide the URL of your published content

2. Importing Content from WriterGate

You can easily import the content you have created and published in WriterGate to your content portfolio. This way, you can keep track of your progress and have all of your content in one place.

All the content you’ve published, or archived with a Publish URL will be compiled into a list and you are able to select the content that you wish to import. It’s important to note that WriterGate is intelligent enough to filter out any content you have imported prior from WriterGate.

Figure — Directly importing content from WriterGate

To import from WriterGate,

  1. Click on “Import”
  2. Click “from WriterGate”
  3. Select the content from your WriterGate workspace to import it to your portfolio.

And, One More Thing

It’s hard to share your portfolio to other people across several platforms. You have to copy/paste portfolio URLs and share on social platforms manually. But, with WriterGate, you can utilize the prebuilt social share buttons to share your portfolio across multiple social platforms across the world in just seconds!

Figure: Share Buttons for Portfolio
Facebook Share

WriterGate has implemented the use of the Open Graph protocol to make your portfolio visually appealing when you share it across social media platforms!

Wrapping Up

WriterGate Content Portfolio makes it easy to keep your online portfolio up-to-date with your latest work. With WriterGate, you can import all your content into your online portfolio and share it with as many people as you like.

To start creating your content portfolio, get started with the WriterGate Writer Free Plan today, or drop us an email via and we will get back to you in no time!

